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祁峰 教授





工作经历:  2014年至今  福建师范大学生命科学学院 副教授、教授

             2017-2018年 美国莱斯大学(Rice University)访问学者

                2012-2014年  清华大学化工系 博士后

             2011-2012年  天津科技大学生物工程学院 讲师


联系方式:Email: f.qi@fjnu.edu.cn  



招收硕士研究生方向: 1. 微生物学 2. 生物化学与分子生物学 3. 生物技术与工程(专业学位)


2023-2026年 圆红冬孢酵母碳通量调控生物量和油脂同步积累的特殊机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(32272287),主持;

2023-2027年 基于宿主的抗感染新药靶标的发现及新兽药筛选,国家重点研发计划子课题(2022YFD1802104),参与;

2014-2017年 纤维素可及度新型表征方法的建立及其用于纤维素预处理关键因素的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目(21406130),主持;

2020-2023年 圆红冬孢酵母突变菌株合成番茄红素的特殊分子机制研究,福建省自然基金面上项目(2021J01168),主持;

2020-2024年 工程化类球红细菌生产辅酶Q10技术及其应用开发,横向项目,主持;

2013-2014年 透明质酸合成酶决定透明质酸分子量关键因素的研究,中国博士后基金(2013M530636),主持;

2015-2017年 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划项目,主持;

2022-2024年 长效缓释微球注射用醋酸亮丙瑞林微球研究,福建省科技厅重大专项专题项目,参与

2012-2015年 海西绿色生物制造技术协同创新中心培育项目,福建省教育厅(闽教科[2013751]号)参与






2024年获  福建省级教学成果一等奖

2023年获  国家级教学成果二等奖

2023年获  获福建省一流本科课程

2018年获  国际基因工程机器大赛(iGEM)(FJNU-China团队指导教师)金奖

2017年获  福建师范大学第二届“五一劳动奖章”

2017年获  福建师范大学“集英教学奖”

2016年获  福建省“青年教师教学技能大赛”一等奖

2016年获  福建师范大学“青年教师教学技能大赛”一等奖


 [1]Qingchen Li, Chenxi Li, Jie Zhong, Yukun Wang, Qinghua Yang, Bingmei Wang, Wenjin He, Jianzhong Huang, Shengyuan Lin, Feng Qi*. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for N-methylserotonin biosynthesis. Metabolic Engineering. 2024, 87: 49-59.

 [2] Dou Jin, Xinru Bao, Jinhua Yang, Chenxi Li, Wenjin He, Jianzhong Huang*, Bingmei Wang, Weibin Wu, Feng Qi*. Integrated and enhanced coassimilation of formate and acetate for efficient utilization of lignocellulosic hydrolysate. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2024, 12, 2802-2812.

 [3] Yu Su, Qingchen Li,Suyi Gu, Qinghao Liu, Wenjin He*, Jianzhong Huang, Weibin Wu,  Feng Qi*. Development of biochar-based whole-cell biocatalysts for the production of l-tryptophan and l-phenylalanine.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2023, 25, 9412–9423.

 [4] Jianming Tao, Lang Wen, Qinghao Liu, Yanhuang Cai, Yanmin Yang, Feng Qi*, and Yingbin Lin*. Balancing charged groups in protein additives: A key to enhancing the performance of polymer-based electrolytes in solid-state lithium–metal batteries.ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2024, 12, 18, 7179–7186

[5] Qinghao Liu, Juhong Wu, Maosen Chen, Jie Zhong, Jianzhong Huang, Bingmei Wang, Jinyu Li*, Zhibin Zhao, Feng Qi*. Unraveling the molecular determinants of catalytic efficiency and substrate specificity in L-amino acid decarboxylases. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry. 2024, 72, 26996−27006.

 [6]Peijie Shen, Suyi Gu, Dou Jin, Yu Su, Hongxuan Wu, Qingchen Li, Jinhua Yang, Wenjin He, Jianzhong Huang, Feng Qi*. Engineering metabolic pathways for cofactor self-sufficiency and serotonin production in Escherichia coli.ACS Synthetic Biology. 2022, 11, 8, 2889–2900.

 [7]Yixian Luo, Dou Jin, Wenjin He, Jianzhong Huang, Aicheng Chen, Feng Qi*.A SiO2 Microcarrier with an opal-like structure for cross-linked enzyme immobilization.Langmuir. 2021, 37:14147-14156.

 [8] Hongxuan Wu, Jinhua Yang, Peijie Shen, Qingchen Li, Weibin Wu, Xianzhang Jiang, Lina Qin, Jianzhong Huang*, Xiao Cao, Feng Qi*. High-level production of indole-3-acetic acid in the metabolically engineered Escherichia coli. Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry. 2021, 69:1916-1924.

 [9] Xuehai Zheng, Rongfei Hu, Duo Chen, Jiannan Chen, Wenjin He, Luqiang Huang, Chentao Lin, Huibin Chen, Youqiang Chen, Jinmao Zhu, Feng Qi, Ting Xue*.Lipid and carotenoid production by the Rhodosporidium toruloides mutant in cane molasses. Bioresource Technology. 2021, 326: 124816.

 [10] Feng Qi*Peijie ShenRongfei HuTing XueXianzhang JiangLina QinYouqiang ChenJianzhong Huang. Carotenoids and lipid production from Rhodosporidium toruloides cultured in tea waste hydrolysate. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2020, 13:74.

 [11] Yanna Zhao, Boyan Lv, Fengqi Sun, Jiafeng Liu, Yan Wang, Yuanyuan Gao, Feng Qi, Zengyi Chang, Xinmiao Fu. Rapid freezing enables aminoglycosides to eradicate bacterial persisters via enhancing mechanosensitive channel MscL-mediated antibiotic uptake. mBio. 2020, 11. pii: e03239-19.

 [12] Man Xu,  Hongxuan Wu, Peijie Shen, Xianzhang Jiang, Xueduan Chen, Jinxin Lin, Jianzhong Huang*, Feng Qi*. Enhancement of NADPH availability for coproduction of coenzyme Q10 and farnesol from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2020, 47: 263-274. 

 [13] Xueduan Chen, Xianzhang Jiang, Man Xu, Mingliang Zhang, Runye Huang, Jianzhong Huang*, Feng Qi*. Co-production of farnesol and coenzyme Q10 from metabolically engineered Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Microbial Cell Factories. 2019, 18: 98.

[14] TianLi, Nan Liu, Xianjin Ou, Xuebing Zhao*, Feng Qi*, Jianhzong Huang, Dehua Liu. Visualizing cellulase adsorption and quantitatively determining cellulose accessibility with an updated fungal cellulose-binding module-based fluorescent probe protein. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2018, 11:105

[15] WeiBin Wu, XiaoLei Guo, MingLiang Zhang, QingGeng Huang, Feng Qi*, Jianhzong Huang*.Enhancement of L-phenylalanine production in Escherichia coli by heterologous expression of Vitreoscilla hemoglobin. Biotechnology & Applied Biochemistry. 2018 65: 476-483.

[16] Feng Qi, Chandresh Thakker, Fayin Zhu, Matthew Pena, Ka-Yiu San, George N. Bennett*. Improvement of butanol production in Clostridium acetobutylicum through enhancement of NAD(P)H availability.Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2018, 45: 993-1002.

[17] Feng Qi, Mingliang Zhang, Youwei Chen, Xianzhang Jiang, Jinxin Lin, Xiao Cao, Jianzhong Huang*. A lignocellulosic hydrolysate-tolerant Aurantiochytrium sp. mutant strain for docosahexaenoic acid production. Bioresource Technology.2017, 227: 221–226.

[18] Feng Qi*, Limei Zou, Xianzhang Jiang, Shaoli Cai, Mingliang Zhang, Xuebing Zhao, Jianzhong Huang*. Integration of heterologous 4-hydroxybenzoic acid transport proteins in Rhodobacter sphaeroides for enhancement of coenzyme Q10 production. RSC Advances. 2017.7: 17346-17352.

[19] Feng Qi, Xuebing Zhao, Y Kitahara, Tian Li, Xianjin Ou, Wei Du*, Dehua Liu. Integrative transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of the mutant lignocellulosic hydrolyzate-tolerant Rhodosporidium toruloides.Engineering in Life Sciences. 2017, 17:249-261.

 [20]Feng Qi, Yuki Kitahara, Zitian Wang, Xuebing Zhao, Wei Du*, Dehua Li. Novel mutant strains of Rhodosporidium toruloides by plasma mutagenesis approach and their tolerance for inhibitors in lignocellulosic hydrolyzate. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. 2014, 89: 735–742.

 [21] Feng Qi, Yanli Liu, Imdad Kaleem, Chun Li*. Transcriptional profiling of protein expression related genes of pichia pastoris under simulated microgravity. Plos One.2011; 6:e26613.

[22]Feng Qi, Imdad Kaleem, Bo Lv, Xiaoxiao Guo, Chun Li*. Enhancement of recombinant β-D-glucuronidase production under low-shear modeled microgravity in Pichia pastoris. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology.2011, 86: 505–511.

 [23] Feng Qi, DaZhang Dai, Yanli Liu, Imdad Kaleem, Chun Li*. Effects of Low- Shear Modeled Microgravity on the Characterization of Recombinant β-D-Glucuronidase Expressed in Pichia pastoris, Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology, 2011, 163: 162-172.   

[24] Feng Qi, Lei Sun, MingLiang Zhang, XianZhang Jiang, Xiao Cao, Jianzhong Huang*. Alpha-Linolenic Acid Production by the Mutant Rhodosporidium toruloides. International Journal of Food Engineering. 2016, 2:140-146.

[25] Xuebing Zhao, Feng Qi (Co-first Author), ChongliYuan, WeiDu, DehuaLiu Lipase-catalyzed process for biodiesel production: Enzyme immobilization, process simulation and optimization.Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2015, 44:182–197.(“SCI高被引论文”)

[26] Genlin Zhang, Feng Qi (Co-first Author), Haiyang Jia, Changling Zou and Chun Li*. Advances in bioprocessing for efficient biomanufacture.RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 52444.

[27] Hyun Hwang, Feng Qi (Co-first Author), Chong Yuan, Xuebing Zhao*, Doraiswami Ramkrishna, Dehua Liu, Arvind Varma. Lipase-Catalyzed process for biodiesel production:protein engineering and lipase production. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2014, 111: 639–653.

[28] Jie Huangfu, Feng Qi (Co-first Author), Hongwei Liu, Hanfa Zou, Muhammad Ahmed, Chun Li*. Novel helper factors influencing recombinant protein production in Pichia pastoris based on proteomic analysis under simulated microgravity. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2015, 99: 653-665.

[29] Liang Xiang, Feng Qi (Co-first Author), DaZhang Dai, Chun Li*. Simulated microgravity affects growth of Escherichia coli and recombinant β-D-glucuronidase production. Applied Biochemistry & Biotechnology,2010, 162: 654-661.

[30] Tian Li, Qi Fang, Hongmei Chen, Feng Qi, Xianjin Ou, Xuebing Zhao*, Dehua Liu.

 Solvent-based delignification and decrystallization of wheat straw for efficient enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose and ethanol production with low cellulase loadings. RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 10609-10617

[31] XianzhangJiang, Hongjiao Liu, Yongchao Niu, Feng Qi, Mingliang Zhang, Jianzhong Huang*. Functional identification and regulatory analysis of Δ6-fatty acid desaturase from the oleaginous fungus Mucor sp. EIM-10. Biotechnology Letters. 2017, 39:453-461.

[32] Yan Zhou, Hongmei Chen, Feng Qi, Xuebing Zhao*, Dehua Liu. Non-ionic surfactants do not consistently improve the enzymatic hydrolysis of pure cellulose. Bioresource Technology. 2015, 182: 136–143.

[33] Xuebing Zhao*, Yuichi Morikawa, Feng Qi, Jing Zeng, Dehua Liu. A novel kinetic model for polysaccharide dissolution during atmospheric acetic acid pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 151: 128–136.

[34] Mingliang Zhang, Weibin Wu, Xiaolei Guo, You Weichen, Feng Qi, Xianzhang Jiang, Jianzhong Huang*.Mathematical modeling of fed-batch fermentation of Schizochytrium sp. FJU-512 growth and DHA production using a shift control strategy. 3 Biotech. 2017, 8: 162.

[35] Ting Tang, Feng Qi, Hongjuan, Liu, Dehua Liu*. Recent developments in microbial production of 1 3-propanediol. Biofuels. 2013, 4(6): 651–667.

[36] Yanli Liu, Jie Huangfu, Feng Qi, Imdad Kaleem, Wenwen E, Chun Li*. Effects of a non-conservative sequence on the properties of β-glucuronidase from Aspergillus terreus Li-20. Plos One. 2012, 7(2):e30998.

[37] Yan Gao, Zhan Sun, Feng Qi, Lixiang Chen, Huiping Lou, Xianyuan Wang, Yuanming Qi*. Identification of a new broad-spectrum CD8+ T cell epitope fromover-expressed antigen COX-2 in esophageal carcinoma. Cancer Letters, 2009, 284: 55–61.

[38] Chao Wang, Xiao-Xiao Guo, Xiao-Yan Wang, Feng Qi, Shi-Jiang Feng, Chun Li*, Xiao-Hong Zhou. Isolation and characterization of three fungi with the potential of transforming glycyrrhizin. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2013; 29: 781-788. 


[1] 《细胞培养工程》高等教育出版社, 北京,2012.(国家普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材)

[2] Nanotechnology for Bioenergy and Biofuel Production》, Chapter 6Hierarchy Nano- and Ultrastructure of Lignocellulose and Its Impact on the Bioconversion of Cellulose》,出版社:Springer International Publishing, Germany, 2017,排名第二


  1. 祁峰; 黄建忠; 吴弘轩; 罗艺献; 秦丽娜; 李清晨; 林金新. 基因工程化大肠杆菌及吲哚-3-乙酸的制备方法, 2023.2.1,中国, ZL 2020 1 0070793.X (已授权)

  2.  祁峰; 黄建忠;苏愉;顾苏宜;晋豆. 利用细菌表面展示技术构建的重组菌株及其强化细胞固定化的方法,2023.6.17,中国, ZL 2022 1 0687507.3(已授权)

  3. 祁峰;黄建忠; 陈学端; 江贤章; 张明亮; 吴弘轩. 基因工程化类球红细菌及其制备方法和法尼醇的生产方法, 2022.8.23,中国, ZL201910409831 .7(已授权)

  4. 祁峰; 黄建忠; 许曼; 江贤章; 张明亮; 沈培杰.谷氨酸脱氢酶基因受抑制的类球红细菌及其制备方法和法尼醇的生产方法, 2022.8.23,中国, ZL201910417227 .9 (已授权并转化)

  5. 祁峰;黄建忠; 沈培杰; 杨金花; 江贤章; 李清晨; 林金新. 基因工程化大肠杆菌及褪黑素的生产方法, 2022.8.30,中国, ZL202010057352 .6 (已授权并转化)

  6. 祁峰;黄建忠;沈培杰;江贤章;杨金花. 基因重组大肠杆菌及5-羟色胺的生产方法. 2023.3.31,中国, ZL 202010057356 .4(已授权并转化)

  7. 祁峰;黄建忠; 张明亮; 孙磊; 江贤章. 生产亚麻酸的圆红冬孢酵母及其制备方法, 2016.6.12, 中国, ZL 201610408364 .2 (已授权并转化)

  8. 祁峰;黄建忠; 陈学端; 江贤章. 基因工程化类球红细菌及其制备方法, 2017.9.1, 中国, ZL 201710282932 .3 (已授权并转化)

  9. 祁峰;张明亮; 孙磊; 江贤章; 黄建忠; 陈有为. 生产亚油酸和亚麻酸的圆红冬孢酵母及其制备方法, 2016.9.21, 中国, ZL 201610408131 .2 (已授权并转化)

  10. 祁峰;黄建忠; 江贤章. 类球红细菌菌株及其制备方法和应用, 2016.7.8, 中国, ZL 201610535089 .0 (已授权并转化)

  11. 黄建忠;祁峰江贤章一种强化圆红冬孢酵母产α-亚麻酸的方法, 2016.03.02, 中国, ZL 201510814342.1 (已授权)

  12. 黄建忠祁峰; 张明亮江贤章徐威一种裂殖壶菌的选育方法及一种裂殖壶菌, 2016.02.17, 中国, ZL 201510869294.6 (已授权)

  13. 黄建忠祁峰; 舒正玉杨欣伟江贤章张明亮无载体固定化米根霉脂肪酶及其制备方法和生产生物柴油的应用, 2015.9.23, 中国, ZL 201510270467 .2 (已授权)


  1. 美国微生物学会(ASM)会员 (ID:200096029)

  2. 中国生物化学与分子生物学会第十三届理事

  3. 福建省生物医学工程学会第六届理事会监事